Winning Dialogs

by | Jul 15, 2022 | Guideline | 0 comments

Dear Self-publisher,

Thanks for deciding to be a self-publisher. This is a chance to compose “dialogues” and win prizes.

Not only that you can propose your own “dialogue topic”, Then you can create content for it, How much freedom is it.

Refer to currently active dialogue topics.

What’s more,

The dialogue has a broader topic with a scope and every self-publisher can participate in it. Find all the dialogues here.

The end date of the dialogue is provided on each dialogue page.

On the end date post scores calculated and winners will be announced. To be eligible for rewards your SEO score should be above 40, your scroll depth score should be above 250 and your new session percentage should be above 50. Learn more about post-scoring here.

Any other conditions on each dialogue can be found on the respective page.


Contact [email protected] to propose your own dialogue topic or lodge it here.

Then, can create a dialogue page with its scope, important dates, and hash-tag.

Don’t forget to use the hash_tag for each dialogue in your content.

Are you on right track? Post score will decide it. Simply view it in the editor or public view of your post.

We will use your publication contact details to reach out for handover prices. So get in touch with