अर्थपूर्ण, सृजनात्मक और नवीन

by | अगस्त 13, 2022 | मार्गदर्शन | 0 comments

प्रिय स्वयं प्रकाशक.

Thank you very much for deciding to be a self-publisher.Self-publishers can open new web spaces with invaluable and meaningful new dimensions. Following are just a few of them. Don’t hesitate to forget about them if you have a better idea to win the crowd by doing great work for mankind.

Exclusive Bilinguals

Being bilingual is good, however, being bilingual beyond the majority is great. This is an invitation to bilinguals beyond English to exchange what they inherited, what you feel is good to share, and what you feel will be attractive, from your mother tongue to another language you are competent. Furthermore, share your cultural social, economical, attractions, contemporary affairs, and historical knowledge grabbed by knowing the exclusive language of your mother tongue. People are waiting to hear from you.

There are so many languages, Why not share what they have gained without Lossing Meaning?

Every language has evolving words. These evolved with the environment it was used in order to express unique feelings. Hence, spoken language is a living uniqueness.

However, there is a limitation in passing the same meaning without knowing the same language and as well as not being exposed to the same context. Self-publishers are encouraged to translate content directly from originating language, without using a dominant proxy language, respecting the copyrights.

Write about personal experience and be open and open-minded too.

Creativity, Solution Driven and Innovation

Be creative with novels, short stories, poems, and stanzas organized for readers in World Wide Web Space. You can organize them as chapters and keep the engagement. Excellent masterpieces use narrative stories or indirect speech with humiliation to present strong criticisms, which is unlikely to lead to confronting opposition harm for collaboration.

Being a subjective and solution-oriented presenter, while reporting the injustice is highly rewarded. Rational solutions by considering multiple views and timely perspectives are highly admired. Use the space to present your innovative thoughts, and approaches rooted in what you sense, what you experienced with the intention of widening the viewpoint of the reader.