प्रिय स्वयं प्रकाशक.
Thank you very much for deciding to be a self-publisher. This guideline helps you to log in to the self-publishing platform, and navigate to your posts, guideline, and forum.
How to log in to the platform
Use the URL : https://nonimi.ink/ for redirecting to nonimi . Click on the “Login” button on the top menu. Use “Continue with Google” if you use your google account during the registration process.

Use a suitable login method based on the way you registered
A successful login will navigate you (self-publisher) to the home page of the site, where you can access “My Dashboard” from the right menu.

Logged in self-publishers Dashboard and the My Posts
To navigate to your masterpieces click on “My Content”.My Content list all the content created by you (refer to the following image).

Navigate to already created posts or New posts
To create a new masterpiece, navigate to “Add New” in the left menu as indicated above.
Click on the “New Revision” button next to Stats to update your post (indicated below). If you can’t find the Dashboard as a verified self-publisher reach us with > [email protected] . It is possible to revise (edit) already published content. Click on the “New Revision” button to proceed with it.

Submit a revision for the published post
After performing necessary changes click on “Submit for Revisions”. Your change will be reflected to the public after a review.
Navigate to मार्गदर्शन
The guideline helps to assist with the technical side as well as make the self-publishers updates with how the platform operates. Being in touch with guideline updates helps you to succeed in your publishing journey. The guideline is open for the general public and uses the URL for access Guideline: https://blog.nonimi.ink/ Or you can use the Guideline link in Dashboard after login into the site (Refer to image 5 above)
Discussion Forum
The discussion forum is a place to sort your problems during the production of your masterpiece. It’s exclusive to self-publishers. To gain access to the forum, you have to log in from your self-publisher account and then navigate to the forum through My Dahsnbaord (image 5). Click “Discussions, Q&A Forum”