कृपया बचके रहें

by | अगस्त 15, 2022 | मार्गदर्शन

The self-publisher within the webspace is expected to overcome the barriers of bias that lead to conflicts, especially within the articles. In the present context, the web media is largely unregulated and should be directed to the collaborative productive progression of humankind itself and its ecology. Self-publisher within the space are expected to adhere to that strong policy.


It’s undoubtful that everyone has their own view and may wish to followers of their own view. The nature of personal preferences may create a divide among readers of different backgrounds, especially in virtual web space which is unregulated, repeatable, and can be manipulated out of reality as real. The diverse responses create wide online discussions, thus within the unregulated web spaces, this engagement can be used for commercial or ideological, or extremism purposes which may affect negatively again in reality.

The opinion is supported with facts or thoughts. Encouraged to use your experience, what you observe or what you sense overtime period to support your statement.
Write what you sense with freedom.  However, support it with reasons, why it comes to mind.
If you are proposing your own approach that’s great. Justify your stance (eg: logical flow of personal experience).
Propose a viewpoint inside an article, then discuss other viewpoints. Please be open to thinking about the reasons for having different views. After some brainstorming, make sure you provide possible reasons behind other viewpoints.
Kindly refrain from comparing personalities, events, or groups in a way that attracts readers to negative energy, without presenting the background of each incident and proposing a solution(s)  (eg. stating why it happened here, but not in another place). Widely used in political agendas due to the tendency of Asian societies to attract negative energy.
Masterpiece consists of personal preferences, be specific with each word used in that context. (Be with “I like”) State personal preference without generalizing it as a common view or common opinion. Please kindly refrain from using open-ended words, especially with personal preferences.


The publisher with a unbias viewpoint is unlikely to lead to refer an object in discussion solely with single-sided criticism. This avoids polarity as well as narrowing the viewpoint of readers.


Non-Conflicting and Non-Confronting Presentation


Conflicting and confronting arguments can be raised based on criticisms and viewpoints. In web space, they are retained and repeated, without being associated with reality, and are capable of manipulating the web users not associated with past reality.

On the other hand, this can have a catastrophic effect if the argument or the criticism is single-sided,  not respectful, and without facts, due to emotional involvement.


Refrain from solely negative or positive criticism Humble to be open and recognize the rooted events which lead to the background of criticism and present it in the article.
Masterpiece consists of criticism affecting a person or group of people, pronounce for them with respect. Try your best not to refer to a person or group of people within your criticisms and only focus on the reasoning for the stated view.
State an opposition view with reasons. There should be reasons to have other views and the masterpiece should state them.
In case, you are reporting an injustice that occurred, be objective as much as possible and present it from a third-person viewpoint, as an unbiased investigator. Encouraged to focus on readers’ enlightenment with information rather than polarization, provide views in multiple dimensions within one presentation. Let the reader is open to his or her final conclusion.
The spiritual masterpiece was written with the respect of the non-believers. It should wider the perspective of the reader, and uplifts global collaboration.


Please kindly be a unbias and non-conflicting self-publisher in the open World Wide Web space. Find what we encouraged here .