Authentic effort at Sri Lankan Cuisine to Modnern Kitchen-Top

by | नवम्बर 3, 2023 | Competitions | 0 comments

Dear Self-publisher, 
The knowledge gained in the Sri Lankan Kitchen over the generations has led to a unique blend of foods derived from the environment. Every meal can be made special by changing the ingredient combination obtained from the environment, based on the availability.
 Though it’s time-consuming, it provides a unique blend of vegetables, meat and herbs, which may be one reason for the good health condition of the past generations. wants to create an opportunity to transform these recipes into the kitchen top of the busy housewife, who makes delicious meals from ingredients purchased over the counter anywhere in the world.

Creative and attractive Sri Lankan youth. You are all welcome to participate in this contest and win your valuable rewards.

The topic is ‘Sri Lankan recipes to modern kitchen-top’.

Start Date and End Date of the Competition:

From 13/02/2024 to 13/05/2023Tag required to use for entering the competition:

English Langauge : _*Sri Lankan recipes to modern kitchen-top*_

Score as at 19/05/2024

Unfortunately, as at 19/05/2024, none of the competitors has achieved the scroll Depth Target required to win the competition. Highly appreciate the participation and continue to produce self-publication, beyond that reach the customers.

Score as at 19/05/2024

Score as at 19/05/2024

Unfortunately, as at 19/05/2024, none of the competitors has achieved the scroll Depth Target required to win the competition. Highly appreciate the participation and continue to produce self-publication and, beyond that reach the customers. We are love to see your self publications in future.